A Day in the Life: Keeping Homes Comfortable at Economy Hearth & Home Inc.

Rise and Shine: Starting the Day

As an HVAC technician at Economy Hearth & Home Inc., my day begins early. I wake up at 6 AM, grab a quick breakfast, and head to our office for the morning briefing. Our team gathers to discuss the day’s appointments and any special considerations for each job.

First Call: Air Conditioning Installation

My first task of the day is an air conditioning installation for a new customer. I load up the van with all the necessary equipment and head out. Upon arrival, I:

  • Assess the home’s layout
  • Discuss options with the homeowner
  • Begin the installation process

It’s satisfying to see the relief on the customer’s face as cool air starts flowing through their home.

Lunch Break and Team Catch-up

After finishing the installation, I grab a quick lunch and touch base with my colleagues. We share tips and tricks, discussing the latest in HVAC technology and how we can better serve our customers.

Afternoon: HVAC System Maintenance

The afternoon is dedicated to routine maintenance calls. These appointments are crucial for ensuring our customers’ systems run efficiently year-round. I perform tasks such as:

  • Cleaning or replacing filters
  • Checking refrigerant levels
  • Inspecting ductwork
  • Calibrating thermostats

End of Day: Wrapping Up

As the workday winds down, I return to the office to complete paperwork and prepare for tomorrow. Economy Hearth & Home Inc. prides itself on providing top-notch service, so I make sure to follow up with customers and address any concerns they might have.

Working in HVAC installation and maintenance is both challenging and rewarding. Each day brings new opportunities to help people stay comfortable in their homes, and I’m proud to be part of the Economy Hearth & Home Inc. team.